5 Popular Modern Dream Exterior Design Ideas

Sisijoke.com – Where to find minimalist exterior home decor. Elegant modern contemporary home design, as featured in the magazines and on the internet, is where to begin for anyone wanting a clean, minimalist home. From chic homes to country cottages, from modest urban apartments to large sprawling estates, minimalist architecture has become an increasingly popular choice in today’s homes. In minimalist design, however, it’s one of the main key elements to consider.

Main Features of Minimalist Exterior Design

The roof is a key feature of minimalist exterior design. Although it may seem to be a small detail, it makes a huge difference to the whole design, and there are many ways that a minimalist roof can influence your home. Most modern homes are flat, and a very common roof structure is boxy roofs with sloping sides and sharp angles at the edge of the roof. With a minimalist architecture, these sharp angles are avoided and so only very narrow gables (six or less degrees) are allowed. This means that a large amount of space will be available for the details of your home, which is usually the roof, windows, and doors.

The same effect is achieved with other details as well. For instance, with a minimalist exterior home design you may not want to use very wide doorways. Instead, you might want to use very narrow arched ones which add to the impression of wide-open spaces. Similarly, if you have a modern, minimalist house design, then you may not want too many windows placed on one level. You may even want to keep the windows closed at all times, which would leave the outside of your house looking much smaller and more open than usual.

Choosing a Color for a Minimalist Home Exterior

When choosing your colors for your minimalist exterior home, you should choose simple designs. Black is very popular since it creates a neat and tidy appearance. However, it must be used very sparingly since it can make the house look crowded. Alternatively, you can add some earthy tones to the walls. These would be such colours as brown and terracotta, which can also create a very interesting effect. In addition to this, simple design features such as curved lines and geometric shapes can also help in creating a minimalist exterior that is also simple in its interior.

As already stated earlier, minimalist architecture does not include too many curves and shapes. Therefore, if you are considering building a new house, it would be better if you choose an old building to use as the base of your new minimalist exterior. It is a cheaper option that way and you still get a wonderful architecture. Modern architecture is very trendy, but when it comes to an old building you can always base your design ideas from.

Old Building for Minimalist House Exterior

Also, when using old buildings for your minimalist exterior home, you should try to use modern Japanese elements for your interior. For example, try to use modern Japanese furniture like plain chairs with light wood or wooden tables. You can also use traditional furniture like ottomans and sushi bars. Using these kind of products will make your house look like it was built by Japanese people.

Another one of the most popular modern dream exterior design ideas is the usage of plain white furniture. You can add bamboo plants and Japanese lanterns in order to achieve a minimalist look. This is a really good idea since it will allow you to create an environment that is very peaceful. The use of white will make your interiors stand out and will create a minimalist exterior. If you want to add some colour to your minimalist exterior, you can use red cedar shingles.

As mentioned previously, the use of simple and clean lines is a very important aspect for any minimalist exterior home. Therefore, you should try to use plain wooden surfaces throughout your house, especially the different areas such as your backyard, patio and porch. In addition to that, you should also try to avoid using shiny metallic pieces since they will tend to Overshadow the colours that you have used to create a minimalist exterior. These tips can help you achieve the perfect minimalist exterior for your Japanese, modern house.

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