Decorating Your Home Using Traditional Scandinavian Interior Design Styles – A key characteristic in any Nordic home is having neutral, slightly neutral tones throughout the home. By selecting a neutral palette of light grey, greys and white tones, you’ll set the perfect atmosphere for entertaining guests. Because the winters are so long and dark in Scandinavia, usually select light colours throughout the house to make an airy and open environment especially in a small home or apartment. This way your home will be warm and welcoming and will also be the envy of friends and family.

Scandinavian Home Decorating Tips

Muted tones such as cream, eggshell and beige work great in many parts of a Scandinavian home. In the living room you could pair these with coloured cushions and throws. If you prefer more of a country look in an interior design, then try soft floral and fruit patterned throws and cushions. In the kitchen you could choose from cheerful plaid cushions dotted with modern glazed tiles or plain black sinks and taps.

However, even though the colours and patterns mentioned above are considered to be neutral and muted, they can still be very different in appearance depending on how you decorate them. In a traditional Scandinavian home, most items are painted in white or beige. In other styles, more bold finishes are used including brass and nickel. It is important, therefore, to be aware of the type of finish that you prefer throughout the rooms so that you can match your pieces accordingly.

Simplicity Of Scandinavian Interior Design Style

Simplicity is one of the hallmarks of a Scandinavian home. Scandinavian interior design style focuses on the simplicity of everyday objects such as furniture, walls and floors. For example, a Scandinavian sofa is a three-piece suite consisting of a bed, a side table and a bookcase. Other pieces of furniture commonly included in a Scandinavian living room are a chest of drawers, a coffee table and a bookcase. If you do not have these items, try to find a simple yet stunning wooden or metal stool that will complement the minimalist style.

Swedish furniture can range from the more decorative pieces such as small end tables and candles to the more functional pieces such as built-in wardrobes, cupboards and coat closets. One thing you may notice about many of the more decorative pieces in Swedish homes is that there is a lack of clutter. This is intentional. The emphasis in Scandinavian homes is on functionality instead of ornamentation. As such, items such as coat closets and cupboards are used very little as they are not necessary in order to keep your home looking tidy and clean. Instead, these are usually hidden away in drawers, chests and under the beds.

Scaninavian Home Furniture

Colorful pieces are very common throughout most pieces of furniture in any typical Scandinavian home and this is done to make the space more appealing to the eye. Furniture such as small end tables are especially chosen to stand out and be noticed as they are usually a focal point in the room. Another popular choice in furniture among Scandinavian interior design styles is using metal pieces. This is because metals such as steel, aluminum and copper have a vintage look to them that is both attractive and timeless.

In addition to using pieces of Scandinavian furniture to add a unique touch to your home, the color palette and overall theme of Scandinavian home decorations can also be used to give an authentic feel to your home. For example, corbels are often chosen to fit in with the vintage look of Scandinavian furniture pieces. Corbels are traditionally curved or shaped like a heart and are made from either wood or metal. Other typical corbels include other geometric designs, like circles or squares.

Because white walls are a common feature of a typical Scandinavian home, it is important that homeowners choose a color palette that is complimentary to the rest of their decor. One great way to achieve this is by choosing colors that are similar to the color palette used in their furnishings. For example, a typical white wall is paired with white furnishings, so if the colors on the wall are identical, then the entire room will be designed to look like a traditional Scandinavian living room. Another way to ensure that a room is designed to appear like a typical Scandinavian home is by avoiding bold or bright colors that are often found in typical Scandinavian designs.

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